
We would like to thank you for your interest in joining the Sacino’s family!

Please fill out the employment application below and we will be in touch with you shortly.

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Personal Information


Are you either a U.S. citizen or an alien who has the legal right to remain and work in the U.S.? (you will be required to furnish proof of lawful work status if
you are extended a job offer).

U.S. Citizen or Legal to work in U.S.

Employment Desired

Position(s) applying for (if applying for a specific position):

What days and times would you be available to work? (The ability to work Weekends & Holidays is very important.)


We try to accommodate staff schedule needs, but we cannot guarantee a specific work schedule.

Have you ever worked for Sacino's Cleaners or Sacino's Formalwear before?

Prev Sacino's Employment


Personal References

Please give the names of three persons not related to you, whom you have known professionally at least two years.
Please notify your references that someone from Sacino's will be contacting them.

Employment History

List all your work experience (starting with your most recent employer). Please account for all periods of unemployment in this section. You use the file upload feature to add any additional information.

Current/Most Recent Employer

May we contact your present employer at this time?

Contact Current Emp

Employer 2 Information

Employer 3 Information

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Allowable file extensions are DOC, DOCX, PDF, JPG, and JPEG.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Allowable file extensions are DOC, DOCX, PDF, JPG, and JPEG.

Consent and Agreement

Before signing and submitting this application, you must read, understand, and agree to the following statement:

I understand that if I am hired, my employment may be terminated with or without cause or notice, at any time, at either my option or that of Sacino’s, Inc. (Sacino's). I understand that no management representative has any authority to enter into any agreement for continuing employment for any specific period of time or which is contrary to the foregoing and that any such agreement must be in writing signed by Ownership.


I give Sacino’s permission to contact all or any of my previous employers and references. I authorize them to disclose any information Sacino’s may request in the course of its investigation for this application of employment, and I hereby release Sacino’s and such references and prior employers from any and all liability with respect to such disclosures. After a tentative offer of employment has been made, if requested by Sacino’s, I agree to take a job-related medical examination at no personal expense and authorize the examining physician to disclose the findings to Sacino’s.


I understand that any offer of employment is conditioned upon receipt of satisfactory references and satisfactory completion of any such job-related medical examination. I also understand that I may be requested now or at any subsequent time during my employment with Sacino’s to submit to drug and/or alcohol tests, at Sacino’s expense. I understand that if I refuse to take the test, my employment may be terminated immediately.


I have provided truthful and complete responses to all inquiries in the application and authorize Sacino’s to investigate all statements contained in the application. I understand that the discovery of any falsification or omission constitutes a ground for immediate dismissal or refusal to hire. If employed, I will abide by Sacino’s rules and regulations, which I understand are subject to change by Sacino’s.

I also agree and understand that by signing this either by signature or typing my name in the field below, that all electronic signatures are the legal equivalent of my manual/handwritten signature and I consent to be legally bound to this agreement.

You can either SIGN your name using your finger in the "Signature" field or TYPE your name in the "Digital Signature" field below.

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